In view of the present pandemic and consequent lockdown of educational institutions all over the country and as advised by the University Grants Commission to utilize the time in developing online content, online teaching and evaluation, Fazl Ali College faculty members have started working from home by adopting Google Classroom to provide learning support to students, thus maintaining continuity in the teaching-learning process during the lockdown period. Through the use of Google Classroom, teachers share study material, create assignments, share online educational links and conduct online assessments. The goal is to make the best use of the delayed examinations and prepare the students better.

The College also use services such as Google hangouts and Skype for conducting meetings conveniently while maintaining social distancing. The College also has faculty involved with mentoring of students in the internationally-renowned Coursera online courses. Links for educational content have been uploaded to the College website ( for students to make the most of the lockdown time. Requests have also come to faculty members to offer its support to other educational institutes. In addition to teaching-learning activities, the College has also been utilizing their expertise by helping the district administration in producing hand sanitizers.